Baby, a small film directed by talented filmmaker Sai Rajesh, received super success as the cult blockbuster movie of this year. The film stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin in lead roles. The film is produced by SKN, who previously delivered blockbusters like Ee Rojullo and Taxiwala under Mass Movie Makers. The passionate producer delivered blockbusters with brothers.
Baby film collections are Phenomenal and unprecedented. It grossed over a staggering 90 crores at the box office. Not only the collections, the film is receiving super appreciation from top filmmakers, actors and critics. Director Sai Rajesh got solid appreciation from industry bigwigs and lot of offers. The movie Baby, which was a super hit in the theater, got a record level of views in OTT too.
Now it has received superb ratings on its first television premiere. Recently the movie Baby had its world television premiere in ETV. In this premiere, this movie got 5.67 and 5.8 TRP ratings depending on the area. It can be said that this level of ratings is rare for a small film with young actors. Baby is proving that theater, OTT, TV, any platform can get good audience for a good movie.